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Time Manipulation HC (Experimental)

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Time cells are neurons in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex that fire at specific moments within a cognitive task or experience. While many prominent theories of memory encoding offer time cells as the source of the temporal component to memory, they have never been observed in human recordings. We identify time cell populations in the medial temporal lobe of humans during memory encoding and retrieval. Further, we demonstrate that the stability of the time signal provided by time cells during encoding influences the ability to temporally order memories at time of retrieval.

There is considerable recent evidence that, in addition to its representation of space, the hippocampus also represents the temporal organization of memories. Time plays a central role in episodic memory, and studies have identified the hippocampus as playing an essential role in the temporal organization of memories in humans and animals. Temporal organization is supported by a gradually changing temporal context signal in the hippocampus, and this changing context signal involves “time cells” in the hippocampus that code sequential moments in temporally organized experiences. Finally, hippocampal temporal context representations mechanisms in intrinsic circuitry and oscillatory patterns throughout hippocampal subfields and likely depend on inputs from parahippocampal cortical areas and a widespread temporal processing system in the neocortex.

Similarly, we argue that the hippocampus represents every situation - or state - in terms of the future states which it predicts. For example, if you are leaving work (your current state) your hippocampus might represent this by predicting that you will likely soon be on your commute, picking up your kids from school or, more distantly, at home. By representing each current state in terms of its anticipated successor states, the hippocampus conveys a compact summary of future events, known formally as the “successor representation

So in a way, this works with the hippocampus and corresponding brain areas and regions to engage a sort of "mental time-travel".

This works best while in a meditated state, and setting your intention to your own perception of time is best (this can be to relive past events, be more mindful of the present, or even glimpse the future)

Past. Present. Future.

Being a high-end item, caution is advised as this can cause a sort of reality-distortion effect, so using it for any specific purpose with pre-meditated intention is best

Use as many times as desired.

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Time Manipulation HC (Experimental)

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